ActiveTO cycling network plan proposes 40 kilometres of expanded and accelerated routes


A City of Toronto staff report scheduled for consideration by City Council today proposes that key parts of the cycling network be expanded, through accelerated installation of routes in the council-approved Cycling Network Plan, as part of the ActiveTO program.

During the April 30 council meeting, staff was requested to look at more active transportation as a crucial part of the city’s COVID-19 restart and recovery and in anticipation of changes in traffic patterns.

“ActiveTO is a quick-start, common-sense program that is creating more safe space for cyclists and pedestrians all around Toronto. Accelerating our cycling network and creating temporary lanes that make safer, more connected routes for people on bikes will be a key part of our city’s restart and recovery plans,” said Mayor John Tory.

“Well-planned cycling routes, including along subway lines, will provide a much-needed relief valve for the transit system, supports Toronto’s Vision Zero Road Safety plan, and allows people to be physically active while respecting physical distancing guidelines.”

This week’s report asks council to approve the installation of approximately 25 kilometres of new bikeways, for a total of approximately 40 kilometres of on-street cycling lanes approved for accelerated installation in 2020. View the full Cycling Network Plan.

An expanded cycling network aims to allow cyclists to move around Toronto safely, better connect those on bikes – mirroring major transit routes. The proposed plan includes flexibility so that bikeway installations can be adjusted based on considerations such as changing traffic volumes, and the evolving needs of residents and businesses in the wake of the pandemic.

If approved, the network would be expanded quickly through temporary installations by repurposing curb lanes along several key corridors including Bloor Street East, University Avenue/Queen’s Park Crescent and Dundas Street East.

The report also addresses gaps in the network including locations in North York and Scarborough and includes acceleration of the Bloor West Bikeway Extension. As part of the City’s focus on main street revitalization in the wake of COVID-19, Toronto is proposing to create more public space and patios and pilot active transportation infrastructure on the Danforth from Broadview Avenue to Dawes Road.

Delivery of other Council-approved projects will continue, but be on an accelerated scheduled, including the Bloor West Bikeway Extension.

While most of the ActiveTO proposed initiatives aimed at expanding the cycling network are quick-start installations using temporary barricades and include minimal change to the existing street design, a more transformational Complete Streets approach has been proposed for Danforth Avenue to support the main street character and local economy, and in keeping with the objectives of the Danforth Study that’s currently underway.

While traffic volumes are currently very low, city traffic data shows that a significant number of people have continued to rely on cycling as an important transportation choice over the past several weeks. The data also suggests that many people are choosing cycling instead of riding transit, and typically cycling volumes in Toronto increase as temperatures warm up.

ActiveTO also includes major weekend road closures along city trails to make space for people, alleviate weekend and holiday crowding, and ensure there is room to be physically active and respect physical distancing. Also, there is a plan for more than 50 kilometres of Quiet Streets currently being planned or installed around the city.

So far, the City has installed 79 CurbTO pedestrian zones and temporary pickup zones and widened three sidewalks for space. There have been more than 260 requests city-wide for zones by councillors, BIAs, community agencies and businesses.

“Now, more than ever, it is necessary that we accelerate the installation of critical cycling infrastructure for active transportation while maintaining safe physical distance,” said Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam.

“What COVID-19 has shown us is that we need to rethink our priorities around how we design public infrastructure to support long-term recovery. We have known for years that an expanded, city-wide grid of protected bike lanes is important for achieving positive environmental, safety, and health outcomes. The global pandemic has provided the urgent public health context needed to drive this work forward, without further excuses or political delays.”


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