City of Toronto

    Publication Date: 13th November, 2019
    Location of premises

    City of Toronto

    150 Heath Street West, Toronto, ON M4V 2Y4


    Garage Repairs

    Substantially performed: 5th November, 2019
    Certificate signed: 5th November, 2019


    Name of Owner
    York Condominium Corporation No. 328
    Address of Owner
    150 Heath Street West, Toronto, ON M4V 2Y4
    Name of Contractor
    SMID Construction Limited
    Address of Contractor
    516 Finley Avenue, Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E3
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Belanger Engineering
    Address of Payment Certifier
    1060 Britannia Road East, Unit 23, Mississauga, ON L4W 4T1

    Identification of premises for preservation of liens:

    150 Heath Street West, Toronto, ON M4V 2Y4