Mopal Construction Limited – #5949 – Len Ford Park – City of Toronto


    Publication Date: 5th February, 2020
    Location of premises

    City of Toronto (formally the borough of Etobicoke)

    Len Ford Park located at 295 Lake Promenade, Toronto, ON, M8W 1B5


    Rehabilitation of the Asphalt Pathway and Coastline at Len Ford Park

    Substantially performed: 28th September, 2019
    Certificate signed: 28th October, 2019


    Name of Owner
    City of Toronto, Parks, Forestry & Recreation
    Address of Owner
    Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall, Toronto
    Name of Contractor
    Mopal Construction Limited
    Address of Contractor
    35 Cardico Dr. PO Box 547, Gormley, ON, L0H 1G0
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Mark Goulart
    Address of Payment Certifier
    Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall, Toronto

    Identification of premises for preservation of liens:

    PIN: 07577-0162 (LT), 07577-0164 (LT), 07577-0165 (LT), 07577-0166 (LT)