Construction association offices re-open to “new normal”

tca John Mollenhauer panel discussion
TCA president John Mollenhauer leads a panel discussion at the association's Members' Day in 2018. Even though the association's offices have re-opened, this event, usually held in May each year, will likely not return until the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control

Ontario Construction News

Construction association offices have reopened as provincial stay-at-home regulations have eased – but it is hardly business as usual.

“We are “open for business” of course but we too have a new normal and we ask that office visits for the near term be by appointment only,” Toronto Construction Association president and CEO John Mollenhauer wrote before its offices reopened on Tuesday.

The Barrie Construction Association also re-opened its offices but there won’t be any safety training, professional development classes and events.

“Please note that physical distancing protocols will remain in place and we ask that there be only one member in the office at a time,” wrote membership services co-ordinator Bryony Buchanan.

In his note, Mollenhauer wore that “Corona has redefined normal.”

“The truth is that about 3,000 compliance orders were issued and 20 job sites have been shut down since (Premier Doug) Ford declared a state of emergency in March but despite the hiccups, to date essential services construction workers have not contributed a single case of COVID. No wonder the Premier was “so proud of the construction sector” when he announced he would be restarting the economy late last week.

“To be clear, we do not expect medical scientists to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine any time soon. In fact, they still don’t have a SARS vaccine. As a result, the new normal will inevitably include social distancing and rigorous new health and safety protocols. And the risk of a second wave is real.

“Going forward, our skills as business owners will be tested. Most of us have little or no operating capital in the wake of COVID and worry, as well we should, that costs around productivity loss and contract disruption may never be reimbursed. That said, we are a resilient bunch with an enviable track record for overcoming obstacles.”


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