Databid projects of the week ending Aug 29

DataBids Top Leads of The Week 07052020 - 07112020

Ontario Construction News staff writer

Here are some of the projects reported by for the week ending Aug. 8 You can learn more and obtain a free subscription at

Southern Ontario

Toronto Fire Station 323 interior building renovations

Location: Toronto

Stage: Bids due Sept. 24

East Wing Palliative Care Unit renovation – Phase II

Location: Toronto

Stage: Bids due Sept. 23

Ajax ACC Boardroom upgrades

Location: Ajax

Stage: Bids due Sept. 22

TOARC rehabilitate 17 legacy aggregate pits

Location: Various locations in Ontario

Stage: Bids due Sept. 18

Cimco Refrigeration office relocation

Location: Halton Hills

Stage: Bids due Sept. 17

Eastern Ontario

Brighton WPCP moving bed biofilm reactor addition

Location: Brighton

Stage: Bids due Nov. 12

TOH elevator upgrades

Location: Ottawa

Stage: Bids due Sept. 24

Snor Road Fire Hall and Garage interior renovations and repairs

Location: North Frontenac

Stage: Bids due Sept. 17

Buckhorn Regional Health Centre roof replacement

Location: Buckhorn

Stage: Bids due Sept. 21


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