Ontario takes step forward in small modular reactor project

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The first phase of site preparation for Ontario’s first Small Modular Reactor (SMR) at the Darlington Nuclear station is complete.

Ontario Power Generation announced the early works for the first SMR in the G7 were finished on schedule and within budget. The site has now been handed over to Aecon, the construction partner for the Darlington New Nuclear Project, to commence the main site preparation. This next stage includes excavation, construction of shoring walls, and land clearance for three additional units.

opg“The thousands of jobs being created to support Ontario’s international position as a supplier of nuclear technology, along with the thousands more supporting nuclear power generation in Ontario, will help drive the provincial economy for years to come. The nuclear supply chain provides jobs and economic prosperity across Ontario,” said Jeff Parnell, president of the Power Workers’ Union. “Nuclear power is the backbone of our clean electricity system, providing secure, affordable, and zero-emission baseload electricity to Ontario.

darlington“The construction of the new SMRs at Darlington, the proposed large-scale reactors at Bruce, and the refurbishment of four reactors in Pickering will continue to serve Ontarians into the future.”

Ontario Power Generation is now preparing for a second regulatory hearing, expected this fall, to review the application for a Licence to Construct the first SMR unit.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) confirmed in April that the Darlington New Nuclear Project’s (DNNP) environmental assessment remains valid for Ontario Power Generation’s chosen SMR technology, the GE Hitachi BWRX-300.

“I’m pleased to officially announce today that the first phase of site preparations for the small modular reactor has been completed on time and on budget,” said Stephen Lecce, the newly appointed Minister of Energy and Electrification.” To maintain this forward momentum, I am officially announcing the start of the next phase, phase two, as we work to build small modular reactors to energize our province, our country, and literally the world.”

Pending CNSC regulatory approval, the project aims to begin nuclear construction in early 2025. The first unit is expected to be operational by 2029, with additional units coming online by the mid-2030s.



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