Niagara Falls taking comments on massive $1.5 billion mixed-use development plan


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The City of Niagara Falls hosted an open house recently regarding a proposal by GR (Can) Investment Co. Ltd., a Chinese company planning a massive tourism and housing development.

Known informally as Thundering Waters, the planned development is a $1.5-billion tourism, residential and retail complex south of Niagara Falls, near Dorchester Road, the hydro canal and Chippawa Parkway.

GR refers to the riverfront community development as the Paradise Project and says it will be “one of Canada’s premier multi-use communities that focuses on ecologically sustainable development and enhancing the natural beauty of the area.”

An appeal from a local environmentalist was dismissed by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) last October.

Currently, GR (Can) owns about 193 hectares of land — about half provincially significant wetlands that can’t be developed. Most of the was listed for sale in July 2019 and, according to reports in the Niagara Falls Review, the company is seeking experienced investors to work with on the commercial portion of the project, and for experienced builders to assist with the residential side of the development.


The city is now accepting comments on the first of three phases, including a draft plan of subdivision and zoning bylaw amendment request.

GR has requested to subdivide 77.9 hectares into seven blocks for more than 1,000 dwellings, one for mixed use, two for open space, four for environmental protection, two for utility services, one for other lands owned by the applicant and not proposed for development at this time, and more for road widening.

Following the open house, a report will be presented to municipal council at a future public meeting.

Plans were first made public in November 2015 and GR says it would create about 3,000 direct and 10,000 indirect jobs, plus 1,000 jobs during construction.

Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority issued a notice of violation against GR in November 2018 relating to damage caused to sensitive wetlands during soil testing. The company was ordered to stop and develop a restoration plan to repair the area.

GR was also charged in 2019 for violating the Conservation Authorities Act due to unauthorized work in a wetland or wetland buffer.

According to reports, the company has invested more than $40 million, including $22.5 million to purchase the land.

In May 2018, Niagara Falls city council approved amending the municipality’s official plan allowing the development to move through the development process, subject to 27 conditions. Niagara environmentalist John Bacher filed an appeal in August 2018 against the city with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, which hears cases related to a range of municipal planning, financial and land matters. Bacher’s appeal was dismissed by LPAT in October 2019. The dismissal was seen to pave the way for GR to move forward with its next round of applications.


  1. A company wants to invest a significant amount of money in a world class project and they have received nothing but delays, broken promises and been rail-roaded every step of the way. Niagara Falls has the potential to become a world class destination with more than just a casino and nice parks. The city needs Go Train services and a sophisticated transportation network to get it to the next phase and this development can help bring those attributes to fruition. This company has spent money on wetlands which they are unable to develop by law. What other companies stepped forward to invest this money – none. Therefore if they are following all the guidelines required by City Hall and maintaining the expected standards they should be given the proper consideration to continue their plans. The area they are trying to develop is rarely visited, has no residential housing and is on the fringe of a business park. As a Niagara Falls resident I cannot fathom what negative effects this development could possibly have.

  2. I completely agree with you Debra.
    Unless the government has a “conspiracy “
    To drive prices down or a bigger better plan for Niagara Falls otherwise I think the city itself is very underdeveloped for its potential.
    This is one of the few options for a quick beautiful getaway from any place in the province.
    The online gaming industry probably has slowed down the traffic in the casinos a little bit if you take it from a tourist perspective
    But with covid /remote working etc
    This will be an ideal location.
    I live in Toronto but I really wish this project would go through as it feels very European and good for the city and possibly Canada.


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