OGCA: COR safety program to be updated to match new MoL certification standards with WSIB rebate eligibility

ihsa cor

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Ontario General Contractors Association (OGCA) says that the Industrial Health and Safety Association (IHSA) will soon be updating the trademarked Certificate of Recognition (COR) program, with changes to four modules “to meet the standard in the Ministry of Labour’s soon-to-be-announced accreditation of safe employers.”

On the surface, these changes will be minor for the program that has been in Ontario for eight years – but the alignment with the MoL’s certification standards will allow participants to apply for Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) for a premium rebate – and that may be a big deal for many contractors concerned about the relatively expensive costs in successfully implementing COR standards.

“Employers who are awarded COR 2019 will qualify for the MOL’s certification recognition and able to apply to the WSIB for a rebate on their premium,” OGCA says in its newsletter released on Tuesday.

“COR certified employers will likely be able to update their Certification to meet the new standard, without renewing the full program. IHSA is finalizing the update and will notify members when it will be available.

“OGCA has been working with IHSA and the Chief Prevention Officer to make sure that COR will be recognized as meeting the standard. As a result, employers who are certified under the accreditation program will be eligible for significant rebates from the WSIB. COR requires a large financial investment from the contractor to be successful. This makes it very difficult for moderate sized firms to participate. The financial rebate will make the business case to invest in COR more apparent,” the association reports

“We expect Minister of Labour Monte McNaughton to announce accreditation and the inclusion of COR 2019 very soon.”

“OGCA will work with IHSA to make sure the update is readily available to all that are interested.

The WSIB will announce the requirements to receive financial rebates and the amount of the financial rewards very shortly. The program will be effective January 1, 2020.”


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