Ontario’s Excess Soils Registry is now online; fees to $12,500 in place

excess soil registry webpage

Ontario Construction News staff writer.

Ontario’s Excess Soil Registry is online in line with governing regulations through the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA). Businesses in the province’s construction and soil management industries can now access the registry here.

“The RPRA built the registry to be efficient and user-friendly, in consultation with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and industry stakeholders, and in collaboration with technology partners,” the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC) Ontario reported in its January eletter.

“The registry is available to the public to find information about the movement of excess soil throughout the province on searchable database of notices. The ministry will be responsible for policy and programs related to excess soil and will conduct compliance and enforcement activities under the Excess Soil Regulation.”

As part of the notice filing process, registry users may be required to pay a fee upon completion of a notice filing to cover RPRA’s costs for building, maintaining, and operating the registry and supporting registry users.  The fee schedule can be viewed here.

Fees range from zero for volumes under 2,000 cu. m. to five cents per cu. m. to a maximum of $12,500.

Information is available here with training materials designed to help navigate the portal and complete notice filings.


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