Ottawa contractor raises pandemic hope with historical images


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Frits J. Bosman, president of Ottawa-based BBS Construction (Ontario) Ltd. and BBS Construction (Canada) Ltée., sent a hope-raising message out on Saturday with a reminder that history repeats. Although it is about a century since the community experienced a full-scale pandemic (The Spanish Flu of 1917), the basic rules haven’t changed much, his images indicate.

“Just wanted to say hello and let you know we are well,” Bosman wrote. “Life is good, the sun is shining, spring has sprung and we carry on best we can!

“I am staying home as much as possible, only to drugstore once since we got back March 26! Getting lots of exercise with raking grass and cleaning up outside. Still putting in a few hours  a day with BBS work, actually put proposal out this week for a new warehouse/manufacturing building in the west end. Couple other projects we have are in site plan approval/building permit stages. We will have work when this pandemic is over!”

He included some images to show what it looked like a century ago.

“Stay healthy, stay safe and trust this will be over soon so we can all be back to work!”

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