Ottawa’s rural areas could accommodate 11,000 new homes

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Ontario Construction News staff writer

There is enough residential development potential in the rural areas of Ottawa to support an additional 11,000 homes over the next 15 years, according to a new report.

The report, which was commissioned by the city, also found that about 82 per cent of the new homes would be needed within the city’s 26 villages, while 25 per cent would be required in the villages.

The city’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee discussed the report at its meeting last Thursday and the committee’s recommendations/decisions will reach City Council tomorrow.

The city says the current supply of residential land is sufficient for about 15 years outside of the villages and 25 years within the villages, which is more than the supply set out in the city’s official plan for villages.

The report also found that the city could support an additional 11,000 homes in the rural areas of Ottawa, including 25 per cent in the villages, over the next 15 years,

The committee also approved $6,300 in funding to help the Osgoode Legion in rural Ottawa renovate its flooring. The legion says the work is needed to help bring a sense of community back to the space and make it a hub within the village.

The funds were made through Rural Community-Building Grants Program, which supports rural-based community improvement projects undertaken by non-profit organizations.


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