Province strikes partnership with OBOA


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Honourable Raymond Cho, Minister of Seniors and Accessibility has announced a partnership with the Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) to develop and deliver accessibility training for Ontario’s building officials. Statement from Grant Brouwer, OBOA President

“With the release of the 2019 Legislative Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 by the Honourable David C. Onley, it has become clear that much work needs to be done if we want to remove barriers and make Ontario buildings more accessible for persons with disabilities,” says OBOA president Grant Brouwer.

“Once developed, the OBOA would make the training available to all the members, as well as other design professionals (engineers, architect, interior designers) and builders through the OBOA training facility and Chapter network. In-class workshops are a first step in the delivery of this new training and the OBOA is currently exploring e-learning options.

“The OBOA works to maintain a high professional standard in the administration of the building code through the training, testing and certification of building officials.

“Our members are the last line of defense in ensuring new buildings are designed and constructed in compliance with the Ontario Building Code (OBC).”

Founded in 1956, the Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) supports the construction of safer, more sustainable and accessible buildings in Ontario. The OBOA delivers training and certification to Building officials, promotes uniform code application, works with industry partners, and policy makers with a goal to advance the Building Official profession.



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