Timmins building news: Interpaving to complete Hollinger Park design, as overall building permit volume declines


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Interpaving Ltd. has been chosen to complete construction of the detailed design for the Hollinger Park in Timmins and, based on the detailed work plan submitted by the contractor, the project could be completed by the end of November.

A series of pre-construction activities have wrapped up, including the completion of detailed shop drawings relating to the steel, electrical, concrete, paving stones and other material components, as well as pricing and ordering of materials, fencing and heavy equipment has been mobilized.

“Over the coming weeks, the public can expect the vision of the new Hollinger Park to take form with the mobilization of additional equipment and manpower, the delivery of construction materials and site preparation activities,” Mark Jensen, the city’s director of Community and Development Services, said in the Daily Timmins Press.

“We understand the disappointment of some residents in not being able to fully utilize the park this summer.”

Previous soil sampling at the site showed elevated metals contained within the soil. While the levels are above what would be found in most parks, they are well below levels found in many similar communities where metal smelters or past mining activities are located. They are below levels that would be expected to result in adverse health effects to park users, and the city has conducted further testing to determine what additional remedial action is required, to be included in the five-year plan for the Hollinger Park, the Press reported.

A conceptual design was prepared by Dillon Consulting in 2018 and the city has also secured the services of an engineering firm to complete a detailed lot grading and drainage plan to accommodate the soil that is to be added to the site.

Esa Saarela, the city’s chief building official, told the Press that 2012 was the biggest year for development and construction in the last 20 across Timmins. Eighty-three homes were built that year.

According to a report written by Saarela, building activity has decreased year-over-year since 2014, due to high construction costs and the lack of builders and trades people in the community with moderate to almost below-average numbers in the residential sector, and a decrease of at least 20 percent in the number of homes built in the last five years.

The report showed the residential sector saw a decrease in building permits from 438 in 2014 to 320 in 2018, while non-residential sectors including industrial, commercial and institutional saw a decrease from 134 to 128.


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