Southwestern Ontario organization sets up pre-construction training program for northern Ontario college

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Ontario Construction News staff writer

London, Ontario-based Constructionlab says it has been engaged to deliver 18 modules of pre-trade construction learning for a northern Ontario college.

The project will involve an a-la-carte menu of pathways for participants to pursue when wanting to learn about construction trades – with a focus on road building and infrastructure, the training company says in a statement.

“Depending on what the participant desires as an outcome and is truly interested to learn, whether it be focused on safety, or traffic control, hoisting engineer, general labour, machine mechanic or even DZ drivers in the construction sector, the suite of modules will be packaged with certain prerequisites of learning about the overall industry in the initial part of each pathway,” said Derek Smith, president and senior facilitator of Constructionlab.

The curriculum design aims to identify transferable skills, that can move between the  trades at the outset, and attract participants through interactive theory of construction in Canada.

In 2016, Constructionlab organized The Toronto Construction Association’s Construction Institute of Canada professional development menu of courses into pathways for successful outcomes based on levels of progressive learning. “This project will create a similar framework – creating the menu board of 18 courses combined to suit the outcome,” the statement says.

“The college is very focused on job ready training for this program as well. A key component for this program will be building in a segue to hands-on training, so that gap between theory and hands-on will be bridged.

“We know as projects for the northern region of Ontario in road building and infrastructure are slated for investment, the participants will be ready to contribute in a meaningful way from the start of their work tenure. The college recognizes the opportunity, and has secured us to deliver the content and the design of the program. We are thrilled as this represents our single largest cluster of program development in our firm history,” said Smith.

The local contractors association will be brought in to the project to assist in identifying local facilitators for the hands-on training piece. At this moment, the project has not identified whether some of the theory training will be delivered remotely, or will all happen locally at the college., Constructionlab says.


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