Business advice: Shining A’s

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By Bill Caswell

Special to Ontario Construction News

The COVID-19 crisis has given “A” personality types a chance to shine. Nothing could be better for an A than to make rules, timetables, warning notes of dire consequences, and to find that their actions have an influence all around the globe. What a golden moment for A’s! Since this newsletter is directed at CEOs and entrepreneurs, and since most such persons are strong V’s, the opposite temperament to A’s, these opposing types will feel the brunt of the COVID-19 “yoke” most strongly.

But is this not a time to understand the A better?

Opposing forces

Speaking of opposite temperaments: In various communities, some V’s have rebelled publicly against A’s, their opposites – those rebellious V’s having avoided mask wearing and petitioned for lifting of other restrictions. But today, we are not here to talk of V (Visionary), but rather of A (Analyzer).

Four temperaments

While the four personality temperaments were postulated by Hippocrates around 350 B.C., in the year 2022 or so, CCCC continues to make the point that for success, not only does one have to appreciate the importance of the four temperaments (wired-in human behaviours) but one has to tolerate them because we need all four to succeed. We feel that each has an important role, and one of equal weight, to play in human-team endeavours.

The A temperament

The A temperament is one that we summarize as wanting, in a most basic and natural way, to organize, document, apply rules, show caution, and be precise. As well, the A personality can be observed to dislike change, risks, and surprises. He or she views pessimism as being realistic. Naturally, the A does not like to be pushed into a corner, to be asked to give a brief answer, or to be forced to face the unknown.

More fundamentally, the descriptors that go with the A personality type include some combination of being laid-back and logical, one who delves into details, is thorough, wants to know what lies ahead, thinks things over slowly and carefully before acting or answering, and wants to exercise control over the situation. The A person will go into great detail when explaining things and will want to be allowed enough time to complete the tasks put in front of them.

As for the opposing V personality, almost all those descriptors above can be reversed; typically, the A sees the glass as half empty whereas the V sees the same glass as being half full. Still, we are discussing A (and only mention V to illustrate more about A).

A’s at work

Now, how have these A characteristics been put to good use during COVID-19?

Given the power, A’s who adore the idea of control, namely the A enterprises (i.e., different government levels) have been quick to flex their muscles and issue serious mandates.

The A’s “realistic” outlook (or “pessimistic” in some others’ view) results in announcements of “doom” from A’s, such as, we need two, or even three, shots to be safe. Since Pfizer-Biotech vaccine has proven to be 95% effective, what more can a second dose add? Bring the factor to 97%?  Yet it demands twice the effort of the population (that is two visits, rather than one) for the added two per cent or three per cent security.  For A’s, degree matters much less than the steps or costs.

The A is cautious and concerned. The stern warning from the leading health officers of the different government levels, with almost daily pronouncements, feeds their necessity to do something about their deep concerns.

The A’s need to document and apply rules has created the argument for a vaccine passport, and if not that, at least documented proof of two vaccinations in common public places such as restaurants.

Anyone taking a flight today will find out how much documentation has to accompany each passenger.

The A’s dislike change, surprises, and risk. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic introduced a significant change, a complete surprise, and an enormous risk. Enter the A into the battle with all flags waving.

Hopefully, we do not need to list more COVID-19-reaction examples to give you the idea.

The priority

CCCC has demonstrated (with mathematical logic) that the priority (or order of dominance) of PAVF (Producer and Friend being the bookends) is that same specific order, i.e., P, A, V, and F. So, in a few words, the A dominates the V and F (and powerful P dominates them all). The protests of the V’s against mask wearing were short-lived because the power of A overwhelmed the protesting V’s. (Sorry, F’s, but there now is a scientific reason for the expression, “Nice guys finish last.”)

My position

Don’t misunderstand me, I am not arguing against the vaccine (or the A’s). If I need to express my opinion, I believe the only sensible action is to have as many people vaccinated as possible – just as it makes sense to have 100% of drivers holding a driving licence, and 100% of international travellers carrying a passport.

I hope you can see the advantages of using this opportunity to illustrate one of the four temperaments (A) in action. It is explained now because it is not very often that A’s have a chance to shine and publicly show off their stuff.

Lead on, Macduff!

Bill Caswell leads the Caswell Corporate Coaching Company (CCCC) in Ottawa, or email


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