Simluc Contractors Ltd. – #12987 – 1647 rue Landry – Clarence Creek


    Publication Date: 27th August, 2024
    Location of premises

    Clarence Creek

    1647 rue Landry, Clarence Creek


    RFT #24-10 - Réfection Toiture à l'École Élémentaire Catholique Sainte-Félicité - CSDCEO

    Substantially performed: 23rd August, 2024
    Certificate signed: 26th August, 2024


    Name of Owner
    Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l'Est ontarien
    Address of Owner
    875, chemin de comté 17, L'Orignal, Ontario K0B 1K0
    Name of Contractor
    Simluc Contractors Ltd.
    Address of Contractor
    1487 Cyrville Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1B 3L7
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Fishburn Sheridan & Associates Ltd.
    Address of Payment Certifier
    201-11 Hines Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 2X1

    Identification of premises for preservation of liens:

    1647 rue Landry, Clarence Creek, Ontaraio K0A 1N0