Toronto, Ontario

    Publication Date: 19th December, 2019
    Location of premises

    Toronto, Ontario

    1A Henrietta St; alternate address 41 Britannia Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6N 3T8


    Henrietta Park improvements including but not limited to a new playground, asphalt pathway and water service

    Substantially performed: 16th December, 2019
    Certificate signed: 16th December, 2019


    Name of Owner
    City of Toronto
    Address of Owner
    Metro Hall, 24th Floor, 55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6
    Name of Contractor
    Mopal Construction Limited
    Address of Contractor
    35 Cardico Dr., PO Box 547, Gormley, ON L0H 1G0
    Name of Payment Certifier
    Land Design Incorporated
    Address of Payment Certifier
    128a Sterling Road, Suite 003, Toronto, ON M6R 2B7

    Identification of premises for preservation of liens:

    10515-0098 (LT)

    Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien: Claim for Lien are to be submitted to the Clerk of the City of Toronto electronically as directed at