Honour the Work: Inspiring skilled trades careers

Ontario Construction News staff writer

The construction industry is facing a labour crisis and with no national “one stop shop” available to connect Canadians to the skilled trades resources, Angela Coldwell, Jen Hancock and Tim Coldwell decided to create one.

“What if we could create a hub so that Canadians have a single spot to begin learning of the opportunities and careers in the skilled trades?”  they asked. “We knew that career choices are often imprinted in elementary aged children so we asked, “how can we help showcase trade careers as the intellectually and physically stimulating STEAM jobs they are?

“We set out to identify and remove barriers preventing people from pursuing an apprenticeship.”

In this video, Anthony, a construction labourer, talks about how mentorship programs can be beneficial in the workplace. Click the link to watch: https://www.facebook.com/reel/374081078530455



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