Job vacancies down 2.4 per cent in November: Stats Can

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Statistics Canada says the number of job vacancies fell by 2.4 per cent in November to their lowest level since August 2021.

The agency says the number of job vacancies across all sectors was down 20,700 at 850,300.

The job vacancy rate — which measures the number of vacant positions as a proportion of total labour demand — was 4.8 per cent in November, the lowest rate since June 2021.

Statistics Canada says the number of job vacancies fell in the professional, scientific and technical services category by 18.1 per cent, while health care and social assistance vacancies dropped 12.8 per cent.

The number of vacancies in construction rose 16.6 per cent, with 1.2 unemployed people for every job vacancy in November, up from the low of 1.0 in June.


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