SMPS Ontario names 2023-24 chapter leadership


Ontario Construction News staff writer

Meagan DeCarlo will lead the Ontario chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) through the 2023-24 term starting in September.

The incoming chapter president is the marketing manager at Alberici and has been a SMPS member for eight years. She served on the SMPS Ontario Board as the Director of Education and Certification from 2018 to 2020.

SMPS, with chapters in several US cities as well as Toronto, represents business development and marketing professionals within the architectural, engineering and construction community.

“As many of you are aware, our chapter Board of Directors is a working board, responsible for setting the direction of the chapter, as well as implementing the strategy,” Kendra deVries-Mulhern, the chapter’s immediate past-president and chair of its nominations and elections committee, wrote in a memo to members on Monday.

“We are a collaborative team, who volunteer in service to our members. Our chapter was chartered in 2008, and the board established each term strives to build on the success of their predecessors. Our chapter depends on members volunteering their time, ideas, and leadership to make sure our community continues to benefit from education and networking that meets their professional needs.”

“We received nominations from highly qualified marketing and business development professionals,” she wrote. “Each were acclaimed in their roles, as there were not multiple candidates. In addition, the board reviewed and nominated a candidate for the role of president-elect, in accordance with our bylaws.”

Other executive members include:

Director of Membership: Dhruv Soni. a business development and pursuits manager with BDP Quadrangle, and has a decade of experience in the AEC industry. Dhruv is trained in architecture and environmental design, and has worked in finance and marketing for firms including MJMA, HH Angus, Zeidler and Parkin Architects.

Treasurer: Allie Bell, the proposal and marketing team manager at A.W. Hooker Associates, a quantity surveying/cost consulting firm. She has served as Secretary of the Board for the past two terms.

Secretary: Anthony Roppa, a principal and vice-president of business development at Aercoustics, who served as director of membership for the past two terms

As well, board members include:

President: Mimi Lai Drivas

Immediate past-president: Gregory Devine, business development and marketing manager, McIntosh Perry;

Director of Communications: Tanvi Kundliwal, proposals and marketing, Flat Iron Building Group; and

Director of Education and Certification: Laura Sears, senior associate, marketing and business development lead.


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