Renovate the existing York Woods Library and Theater: PREQUALIFICATION OF GENERAL CONTRACTORS

    Published on: 11th April, 2019
    Categories: Renovations
    Bidding ends: 2nd May, 2019
    Location: Toronto, ON
    Reference: Tender # TPL 048-2019
    Tender Details:

    The   Toronto   Public   Library   (the   Library)   proposes   to renovate  the  existing  York  Woods  Library  and  Theater  at 1785 Finch Ave. West, Toronto, ON. The existing building which  opened  in  1970  and  the  new  theatre  was  opened in 1995 is approximately a two-story 42,176 square-foot facility. The scope of work includes but is not limited to the following: regrading of  the  front  yard  to  create new  entry level, new insulation and cladding, new roofing, new windows, new  mechanical and  electrical  systems,  new  site  hard  and soft surfaces, interconnecting the first and second floors, reconfiguring all floors, and complete interior renovation of whole library and theater lobby. The approximate construction value is $6,600,000. It is anticipated that the tenders will be called in the spring of 2019.

    General Contractors interested in being pre-qualified to bid the work must submit the requested documentation and information in the form of electronic submission.

    The  pre-qualification  documentation  can  be  obtained  from TPL’s purchasing portal at the following link:

    Tenders will be invited from the list of pre-qualified General Contractors only. The pre-qualification process will include an assessment of submitted items.

    Questions  during  the  pre-qualification  question  acceptance period must be directed to:

    Diamond Schmitt Architects
    Erin Broda<>
    cc. Matthew Tsui<>

    How to apply:

    Electronic pre-qualification information must be uploaded to:

    Proponents must upload their submission to the above hyperlink no later than:
    11:00:00 AM Eastern Time, Thursday, May 2, 2019

    Submissions received after closing deadline will not be accepted. TPL reserves the right to select and approve only those Contractors, which they deem suitable for this project.

    If you require any assistance in accessing TPL’s prequalification documentation, please contact TPL at