Connecting with Construction Specifications Canada (CSC)

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By Mark Buckshon

Publisher, Ontario Construction News

In addition to Jim Lamzela’s suggestions, I can add another idea for anyone seeking a way to stay ahead of the competition in the construction specifications process.

Simply put, engage with your local Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) chapter.

CSC membership isn’t a quick and easy “win”, but if you are patient and commit to contributing to the group and community, the rewards will be truly impressive.

To start, you can participate in a diversity of local chapter activities, educational programs, and – if you really want to gain maximum value – volunteer for committee and local board of directors’ roles. You’ll develop personal relationships with a truly impressive network of people who know what is happening in your community and where new projects are taking shape.

As well, you can seek certification as a Certified Technical Representative, Certified Construction Contract Administrator or a Certified Specification Practitioner. These certifications are based on a combination of practical experience and courses (available in-person or online) that will give you the knowledge to understand and implement best practices within the specifications community.

I’ve had the privilege of participating in the Ottawa CSC chapter for more than 25 years,  on the chapter’s executive for several years (including a couple as its chair). Although I didn’t join the association expecting any self-serving results, the relationships and knowledge there has resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in business over the years.

If you wish to connect with CSC, here is a list of chapters in Ontario and contacts for further information:

London: Allan Taylor, chair, Forth Rail Management Inc, Tel: (548) 388-3823,

Grand Valley: Danielle Mahn, membership officer, Weatherproofing Technologies Canada, Tel: (647) 973-6246,

Hamilton/Niagara: Steve Ioannides, chair, membership officer and engineering officer, North 49 Sales Agency, Tel: (647) 518-0908,

Toronto: Isabelle Champagne, director, Rockfon, Tel: (647) 269-8580,

Ottawa: Amal Zerhloul, membership officer/webmaster, National Research Council, Canada, Tel: (613) 402-3496,


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