Ontario investing $200 million in small, rural and Northern communities


Ontario Construction News staff writer

More than 400 small, rural and northern communities are getting help to build and repair critical local infrastructure including roads, bridges, water and wastewater facilities.

Premier Doug Ford and Laurie Scott, Minister of Infrastructure, announced a $200 million investment this year through the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) to provide ā€œstable and predictable funding.ā€

“Ontario’s economy is thriving, but we must ensure every person and every region across the province can share in this prosperity,” Premier Doug Ford said. “Investing in infrastructure is critical to helping rural communities attract, support and sustain economic growth and job creation.”

“Our government is investing in community-based infrastructure projects that will build healthier and safer communities,” said Minister Scott. “This funding builds on our ongoing commitment to support small, rural and northern municipalities across Ontario.”

As part of the government’s Plan to Build Ontario Together, OCIF helps eligible communities invest in local infrastructure and asset management planning to address their priority needs.

“Today’s announcement provides the predictable and stable infrastructure funding small, rural and northern municipalities have requested,” added Minister Scott. “With this OCIF funding, we are working directly with our municipal partners to help them build much-needed community infrastructure.”

The province uses a fair and transparent formula to distribute funding, recognizing that municipalities have different infrastructure needs. These investments will help eligible communities attract jobs and investment, as well as build local capacity to grow and thrive.

“OCIF is an excellent example of the stable, predictable infrastructure funding small and rural communities need to help sustain and develop local communities and economies.

OCIF’s formula-based funding helps build and maintain Ontario’s network of local roads and bridges and critical water, wastewater and stormwater systems,” said AMO President Jamie McGarvey.Ā  “The announcement of 2020 OCIF allocations is timely and much appreciated.”

The Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund provides funding for communities with populations under 100,000, along with all rural and northern communities. Approximately $200 million in formula-based funding was allocated last year and municipalities can accumulate funding for up to five years to address larger projects.



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